
Does Anyone Know How Many Weeks Are Approved For Tier 4 Unemployment In California?


1 Answers

David Gill Profile
David Gill answered
You will be able to obtain correct information from your local authority. Checking online can provide you with ambiguous results, whereas the Californian authority will be able to provide you with the most accurate information over the telephone or the Internet. You can trust this information more than you can trust information off the Internet.

In order to apply for benefits in California, you first of all need to apply for unemployment compensation by completing and then submitting a valid application to the California Employment Development Department. You will be able to submit your application online by using the ‘eApply4UI’ electronic system. You can also submit it through the mail, with ‘UI Application, DE 1101’. The California Employment Development Department generally notifies all applicants for unemployment benefits of their eligibility status within ten days of actually receiving the application.

Claims in California begin on the first Sunday of the week that applicants submit their claims. The benefit year in California is 52 weeks. California pays unemployment benefits every week and claimants will be able to claim at least $40 per week, and up to $450 a week, for up to 26 weeks at as time. This excludes federal extensions. The state uses a base wage period in order to determine how much you should receive from your benefits.

When you are receiving benefits for unemployment, you will be expected by the authorities to make some effort to find work. You must provide a certification to the Employment Development Department of your weekly work search activities. You must also continue to look for work and accept any suitable work offers that come along. California will require you to look for full-time work every week that you apply for the benefits, not just the federal government.

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