First payments will come around December 10th and December 24. Also it will depend if you receive payment on the government "secure" debit cards or direct deposit or by snail mail check. (Also keep In mind December and April/May are highest in mail theft). Also depending on your States calling in/certifying date that you have been assigned. Best bet is call in daily. And be prepared to show proof of your daily search for work because due to the fact that though It was passed by Federal Government, Individual states will have to come out of pocket with 42% to 67% of cost. (Read the bill online). This means that States will have even stricter requirements than those the states had if they issued their own state extension (i.e.,Some States individually extended 20 week after ---> (Original Fed Ben's 26 weeks) + (EU 2008 33 weeks) + (with new extension some total 99 weeks). If your State, like mine (Illinois) did give its own "State" extension which came out of pocket and you have wonderful politicians who ran the State to the ground before their impeachment (The Honorable Gov. Rod Blagoyavich- "The Wig") and are financially in the hole... Then well you better believe they are going to want serious proof of your daily job search bi-weekly before you see a dime. In Springfield (capitol) there is talks that they will want letters from employee's/interviewers rather than you just giving all contact info & time and result of interview as was done in Illinois previously. Hope that answered your question. Now I kinda hoped the Old Gov would have auctioned of the Senate seat on e-bay with a reserve of $139 billion to cover our State deficit. Anyone want bid on my old mortgage office employers seat and desk?
President Obama signed a new bill today, over Republican objections. (I don't get it, would they prefer that two million unemployed workers who want to work, suddenly all file for welfare, for which they would qualify? Welfare costs more than unemployment, and most healthy unemployed persons want to work.) The bill is retroactive to the last payment, and will last through November. Remember to thank the president for helping you receive the funds that you paid into, and that the Republicans tried to keep away from you. Republicans only care about enriching themselves. Obama 2012.
Gail I'm not sure but I know that passes in earlier oct and I do believe they will be retroactive
The Senate final passed the bill today. It should be sent to the House by tomorrow and signed by Obama hopefully by next week so we can receive benefits within the next 7-10 days.
The unemployment office today says it will be 7-10 days before we get the money that is rightfully ours! Sucks, but you have to deal with it.