
When Does The 4th Unemployment Extension Start Paying Benefit's?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
According to the California EDD website, it will be "weeks" before they can start processing the extended UI that was finally passed.   Here is the link this bill had to be passed at some point and it has been debated for a month, one could ask why is the State of California caught with it's pants down.   After weeks of waiting for the Congress to get it's act together, now we have to wait weeks for the State to get it's act together.

This is why government is not a profit making business, the managers would run it in to bankruptcy!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
November 9, 2009
Have you exhausted your benefits? Are you eligible for the additional 20 weeks of unemployment insurance made possible through the extension passed by Congress and signed by President Obama? The Department is working with federal authorities to make that determination. Notification letters to claimants could arrive next week. Additional benefit payments will start the week of November 23. Please check this site for continued updates.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Are you sure about them sending payments Nov. 23rd? I waited on the phone for 4 hours today with California edd just for them to tell me they do not have any info on it. Where did you hear about this? Im really stressed out I cant find work!

Anonymous commented
Will this be in GEORGIA. Please respond to this asap
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just exhausted my tier 3 benefits, I received a letter back in january dated 12-30-2010 stating that I was eligible for EB, last week I have exhausted my funds so I am waiting on the fourth extension, unless I find work. I called today and was told to keep filing because the government hasn't released the funds and it could take 3 to 4 weeks and they would back pay as of now I'm waiting also, by the way I live in NC.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Great your state's unemployment office as it varied by state.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was told by the unemployment office in north carolina that it went into effect on nov.18th,,and it will start paying the benefits 6 weeks after that..hope this helps......
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
SIX WEEKS? What a joke, the first extension took half that time for claimants in NC to begin receiving payments (around one month after the law passed)
Also, That was the FIRST extension, this is the FORTH, NC should get their act together.
Anonymous commented
In NC it could take up to 6 weeks because of the new system that has to be used. And the way its broke down its somthing like this, 1 week of tier 2, 13 weeks of tier3, and 6 weeks of tier 4 in states with unemployment rates above 8.5%
Anonymous commented
It takes effect on nov.6 there saying it could be 6 weeks to start sending payments after nov 18

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