I wanted to know who much money I do have both checking and saving
I been to check my may bank balance, very urgent
It depends on how the online system is structured. The account balance is usually displayed in your online bank statement that can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate menu option.
You can also call your bank's helpline for assistance on online banking.
You can also call your bank's helpline for assistance on online banking.
My balance in smart bro
Well, every bank has its own customized web page and services for its clients. It is not that complex a task to check your balance online, you can call up your bank's representative, and ask for his/her assistance for checking your account for the first time. Normally you have to log on to their website, sign in by using the user name and password assigned by the bank, and enter you account. Different links and menus guide you further once you are signed in.
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I am mohammad hussain s/b. Ac.axis bank 2350100130929
Eva duran