Most if not all of the high street banks provide online banking nowadays. Checking your account and doing your banking online is very simple and easy to access and it allows you to do a variety of things not only checking your account but to pay bills and generally manage your account any time you want to day or night.
1. You need to go to your banks online homepage. You can do this by typing the name of your bank into any search engine.
2. Follow the link to their online banking as you will need to register as an online banking customer if you are not already registered to do so. Until you have registered you cannot access your banks online banking facilities.
3. You will be asked to fill in some information such as name, address, date of birth, bank details etc.
4. You will then be asked to create a Username and Password, and answer some security questions. It is important that you remember your username and password as you will need them in order to log into your account. You should also remember your security answers because you may be asked for them occasionally as a form of security just to check that you are the person who holds the account.
5. Never tell anyone your ID Username, Password or security answers.
6. You may be sent an online customer number that you will need to enter when you log in to your account.
7. Never tell anyone this customer number.
8. Once your registration is complete a confirmation email will be sent to the email address that you put down on the form when you registered.
9. Go to your email page and open the email from your bank and click on the link in order to activate your online banking account.
10. You can now return to your banks homepage online and simply log in using your username and password.
11. You now have access to your account anytime and to the other online banking facilities.
12. By clicking on the correct link you will be able to see an up-to-date statement of your account.
1. You need to go to your banks online homepage. You can do this by typing the name of your bank into any search engine.
2. Follow the link to their online banking as you will need to register as an online banking customer if you are not already registered to do so. Until you have registered you cannot access your banks online banking facilities.
3. You will be asked to fill in some information such as name, address, date of birth, bank details etc.
4. You will then be asked to create a Username and Password, and answer some security questions. It is important that you remember your username and password as you will need them in order to log into your account. You should also remember your security answers because you may be asked for them occasionally as a form of security just to check that you are the person who holds the account.
5. Never tell anyone your ID Username, Password or security answers.
6. You may be sent an online customer number that you will need to enter when you log in to your account.
7. Never tell anyone this customer number.
8. Once your registration is complete a confirmation email will be sent to the email address that you put down on the form when you registered.
9. Go to your email page and open the email from your bank and click on the link in order to activate your online banking account.
10. You can now return to your banks homepage online and simply log in using your username and password.
11. You now have access to your account anytime and to the other online banking facilities.
12. By clicking on the correct link you will be able to see an up-to-date statement of your account.