A major challenge facing management is the need to manage change in response to the changing environment. The changes may involve new technology, new methods of working and new ways of organizing.
Continued success of the organization depends upon changing with the environment but at all levels within the organization change is feared and resisted. The resistance is sometimes in an institutionalized form through the trade union movement.
This can take the form of recourse to law, strikes, a refusal to accept new work practices, working to rule or an insistence on previous manning levels.
In many other cases the resistance takes the form of individual non-cooperation. Low morale, a lethargic attitude to work and a high turnover of labour will result in low productivity. In the long run this individual form of resistance may prove more harmful than union action. The task for management is to understand why people resist change and to devise strategies to make change more acceptable in the workforce.
Change is resisted for a variety of reasons which might be economic, social and psychological reasons. These include fears about job losses, loss of earnings or reduced promotion prospects.Change at work might cause the break up of a work group and a change in social relationships with colleagues and superiors.
People fear the unfamiliar and are afraid that they will be unable to cope in the new situation. Moreover they fear loss of status and self esteem.
Continued success of the organization depends upon changing with the environment but at all levels within the organization change is feared and resisted. The resistance is sometimes in an institutionalized form through the trade union movement.
This can take the form of recourse to law, strikes, a refusal to accept new work practices, working to rule or an insistence on previous manning levels.
In many other cases the resistance takes the form of individual non-cooperation. Low morale, a lethargic attitude to work and a high turnover of labour will result in low productivity. In the long run this individual form of resistance may prove more harmful than union action. The task for management is to understand why people resist change and to devise strategies to make change more acceptable in the workforce.
Change is resisted for a variety of reasons which might be economic, social and psychological reasons. These include fears about job losses, loss of earnings or reduced promotion prospects.Change at work might cause the break up of a work group and a change in social relationships with colleagues and superiors.
People fear the unfamiliar and are afraid that they will be unable to cope in the new situation. Moreover they fear loss of status and self esteem.