Discuss The Analysis Of Human Resource Department Of National Bank Of Pakistan?


1 Answers

Muhammad Sohail Profile
Muhammad Sohail answered
Analysis of HR Department:
National Bank of Pakistan has an existing Human Resource development department, which operates to increase the existing skills of the people existing or coming in the organization, in order to achieve its objectives in a more efficient and effective manner.

NBP has devoid two basic training techniques. First is related to the training and development of mid term plan, regarding new clients & middle level employees.Secondly, the training & development for long term plan, regarding the career development of higher level employees.

NBP applies on-job and off-job strategies to train its employees (middle & higher level).
NBP training & development academy advises Job rotation to ensure & facilitate the producing of all rounder.

The source of this assignment confirms the availability of the training plan at least 2 months before the commencement of New Year, in order to make it easy for the socializing and orientation of the new employees.

NBP believes in pre-post training test for existing employees & post training test for new employees. The trainees will be required to submit back-home action plan, which will be followed up by the JNMDC/Staff colleges. These plans will help in evaluation and end use of training.

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