The maximum Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) in Illinois for a single person is $388.00 per week. For an unemployed person with a spouse, the weekly benefit amount rises to $462.00 and with a child it is $531.00. The average household income in Illinois is around $55,000 per year which means that a family on unemployment benefits lives on less than half of that of the national average.
The unemployment rate in Illinois is slightly lower than the national average at 8.7 per cent. The national average is currently 9.0 per cent which means around 14 million Americans are looking for work. According to a Gallup poll, 35 per cent of Americans believe unemployment is the biggest cause for concern in the country, the economy was ranked second and healthcare was third, closely followed by the government at fourth.
Illinois Department of Employment Security has many opportunities to help people get back to work and find new jobs. Illinois Skills Match is a good example; it is an online database that helps connect skilled job seekers to employers in Illinois.
Illinois workNet Job Search Tool is a website which helps you to find the job you are looking for, based on your specific job search criteria and with this job search tool. There are job fairs and special job related workshops in Illinois along with helpful careers advice from experts in helping you find a job. They also offer apprenticeship programs and seasonal work on the Illinois Department of Employment and security website. The Illinois Careers Network website is also a great resource for anyone looking for work in the Illinois area.
The unemployment rate in Illinois is slightly lower than the national average at 8.7 per cent. The national average is currently 9.0 per cent which means around 14 million Americans are looking for work. According to a Gallup poll, 35 per cent of Americans believe unemployment is the biggest cause for concern in the country, the economy was ranked second and healthcare was third, closely followed by the government at fourth.
Illinois Department of Employment Security has many opportunities to help people get back to work and find new jobs. Illinois Skills Match is a good example; it is an online database that helps connect skilled job seekers to employers in Illinois.
Illinois workNet Job Search Tool is a website which helps you to find the job you are looking for, based on your specific job search criteria and with this job search tool. There are job fairs and special job related workshops in Illinois along with helpful careers advice from experts in helping you find a job. They also offer apprenticeship programs and seasonal work on the Illinois Department of Employment and security website. The Illinois Careers Network website is also a great resource for anyone looking for work in the Illinois area.