What Is Value In Business Markets?


2 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Value in terms of business markets describe the relationship between the expectations of the customers and what they are paying to get that specific product or service. The general formula that is used for measuring value is as follows:

Value = Benefits / Price

or it can be also considered as:

Value = Quality received / Expectations

For more details: Value in business markets

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
The term value in the context of business markets, is used to show the relationship between the customers expectations about the benefits which they are getting out of the service or the product and the amount they have paid to buy that specific product or service.

Value = Benefits / Price

or it can be also considered as:

Value = Quality received / Expectations

The value of a specific nature of product can vary depending upon the type of the product, region where it is available, brand which is selling it and demand in the market. For example, the value of a pizza can vary depending on any of these factors. Moreover, the value can be both qualitative as well as quantitative. Qualitative values include like emotions of the buyers,
social,cultural,  economic, and many environmental factors. On the other hand, the quantitative value can be analyzed in financial numbers like price.

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