What Is Mechanistic Structure?


1 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
Mechanistic Structure is a hierarchical and bureaucratic organization with a centralization of authority.

  • Business Directory

The Business Directory online offers you numerous definitions of business terms such as mechanistic organization (structure). According to the site mechanistic structure is an organizational structure that is centralized on authority. It is also a formalization of practices and procedures. It can also be "specialization of functions." Mechanistic structure is an easy and simple method for organizing a business. It can be difficult to use when a company is undergoing rapid "change." This is when it has been compared with organic organization.

  • Organic Structure
Organic structure is considered more dynamic and stable than mechanistic structure because it has the ability to process and distribute information and knowledge at a faster pace. There is also a better ability to respond and react to changes in the environment.

Mechanistic structures can be effective and efficient based on the stable and certain environments. In other words, if a company will not undergo change then it can be more stable than the alternative. When companies have to make quicker decisions from the day to day an organic structure makes it possible. Innovation is also easier with an organic structure over mechanistic structure.

From the information provided one can say that the mechanistic structure is good for a stable government in certain respects, but it can become an issue when changes begin to occur rapidly. Government offices may not need to change often depending on what department they fit into. On the other hand the entire government has to be able to change rapidly with the effects of the economy and the world. These changes can happen overnight rather than slowly so an authority in this case has to be able to react rather than remain stagnant.

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