What is the Oklahoma restriction on collecting unemployment while working a part-time job? I heard you can make up to $100 a week while getting full unemployment money return. I just found part-time job and it may make $100-$200 a week depending on hrs. I make $400 a week on unemployment so it only makes sense to keep drawing unemployment until getting a good full-time job. Thanks.
Can I File For Unemployment While Still Working Part Time, Or Must I Wait Until I'm Totally Unemployed?
What is the Flordia restrictions on part-time salary while getting unemployment benefits?
You must be unemployed in order to get the benefits. You are still working. You should wait until you become unemployed and then file the case afterwards.
What if your working part time and you were laid off from full time and are recieving unemployment but do not want to stay with part time job do to issues you had in past and only stayed to pay dept you had there!