Hey, it is my favorite, Blurtit and I am still happy.
Oh that is a hard question...(thinking) well the only thing that i can think of is friendship you do not have to buy anything for your friend you are just friends because you think each other are cool you both understand each other i hoped i helped you
Going to my daughter's soccer games and my sons wrestling matches or any of their sporting events. My daughter is very good at soccer . I cannot remember watching a game in which she was held scoreless.
G'day Safarii,
Thank you for your question.
Thank you for your question.
Salvation by Jesus Christ. Do you all have it?
Providing smile of a needy one and helping to forget there pain!!

Children's presence and their smile makes me happy
Friendship makes me happy.
Love only
Friends my family
Two things, having my grandsons stay at my house and helping people online by answering questions.
There is this boy named Zach Hansen. He makes me so happy! (If you're Zach reading this, I say hi!)
Warm sun on my face...a warm breeze. Spring. Summer. Fall. SNOW! Laughing. Reading. Being with friends and family. My horse. My dog.
For me, it would be a hug.
Free hugs! :P