There are a number of companies who will still give you a loan with bad credit. You just have to look online or in your local telephone directory.
Online is generally the best source as in any search engine you can type in 'bad credit loans' and it will come up with thousands of results. Now to narrow that search down it is better to say 'bad credit loans in London, UK' or wherever it is that you live. This will bring back more relevant results for you.
The thing you have to remember is to shop around. There are many companies which offer bad credit loans and so by comparing at least five of them you will find the cheapest interest rate for you. You should expect a slightly higher interest rate for bad credit too.
Online is generally the best source as in any search engine you can type in 'bad credit loans' and it will come up with thousands of results. Now to narrow that search down it is better to say 'bad credit loans in London, UK' or wherever it is that you live. This will bring back more relevant results for you.
The thing you have to remember is to shop around. There are many companies which offer bad credit loans and so by comparing at least five of them you will find the cheapest interest rate for you. You should expect a slightly higher interest rate for bad credit too.