There are some options that you have to obtain a credit card without credit. One of them is to have a secured credit card. Here, the lender gives you a credit line against cash deposit. Once you have proved to be an established customer, the lender will consider the possibility of giving you credit by increasing your limit against the original deposit. You can also opt for cards like department store cards or gas station cards. You can build your credit history by being prompt with payments on these cards. Once you show them your employment details, your assets and your payment history with these cards, the credit company will consider issuing you a credit card.
Another option is the student card, where the college issues a credit card to build your credit history. However you will have to make sure that you do not go overboard with your expenses and make your payments on time. Once you build a good history, you can approach a lender to issue you credit, and you will elicit a positive response. In today's times of hardcore marketing and globalization, most credit companies pit against each other and even merge with different associations to offer credit. So, it is not that difficult to get a credit card if you have a respectable job and house.