One of the things that can happen when you don't pay your credit card debt is that you will end up with a bad credit rating. Occasionally debtors are taken to court for non-payment. If you are taken to court then the court may issue an attachment of earnings order. This would simply mean that you would have to pay what you could afford each month.
Most companies don't like to take their debtors to court as the costs can be high and this course of action can be damaging for their public image. The most likely outcome would be a default notice appearing on your credit file, and as the loan is unsecured the credit card companies do not have the right to repossess your house or any of your other goods. You will receive letters in the post demanding payment and the company may charge extra interest or an administration charge for unpaid bills.
If you are unable to pay your credit card debt the best course of action is to contact the company to ask them to close the account. This will mean you can no longer use the card, but the interest will stop accruing. Once the account is closed you should ask the company for a final bill and then you can negotiate a monthly payment plan with them. You will find that if they are receiving some money they will be happy with this as at least the bill is being cleared.
You should also note that even if you agree a payment arrangement with a credit card company a default notice on your credit file would still be in place, as you would have been in default of the original terms and conditions that were in place when you received the card, and signed the credit agreement.
Most companies don't like to take their debtors to court as the costs can be high and this course of action can be damaging for their public image. The most likely outcome would be a default notice appearing on your credit file, and as the loan is unsecured the credit card companies do not have the right to repossess your house or any of your other goods. You will receive letters in the post demanding payment and the company may charge extra interest or an administration charge for unpaid bills.
If you are unable to pay your credit card debt the best course of action is to contact the company to ask them to close the account. This will mean you can no longer use the card, but the interest will stop accruing. Once the account is closed you should ask the company for a final bill and then you can negotiate a monthly payment plan with them. You will find that if they are receiving some money they will be happy with this as at least the bill is being cleared.
You should also note that even if you agree a payment arrangement with a credit card company a default notice on your credit file would still be in place, as you would have been in default of the original terms and conditions that were in place when you received the card, and signed the credit agreement.