I left the unemployment specialist at the Career Center in Lowell, approx. 15 minutes ago. She has worked there for over twenty-five years. I was told that they received an email this morning that stated checks should be going out next week but could possibly be delayed until the week after. I would not count on the checks being sent out at the beginning of next week if they do go out. This of course probably pertains to the folks that have been calling in regularly awaiting the extension to go through. If you have not been calling I'd suggest getting to the unemployment office and reopening you're claim. I'm frustrated, aggravated and very angry but it does not do us well to let it continue to rent space in our heads. Stress is not good for the human body, too much that is. I'm in a very tough situation myself but there is nothing we can do but wait. Stick together folks and vote Scott Brown out of office the next time around. It's the only way we get our voice heard. He made a political statement at our expense. Not at the for-igen aides expense that we give so much of. There are other areas they could have made a statement. They stuck it to us hoping to get votes in the future for watching the budget. Bull! Stick it to someone other that the American Worker.
Robert from Lowell,Ma. Semper Fi
Robert from Lowell,Ma. Semper Fi