You need to start by keeping your check book balance. Even though this isn’t necessary, keeping it balanced helps you get a better idea of your finances. You should always consider, too, that the current balance stated by the bank doesn’t include any checks or electronic transfers that have not yet been processed.
The next thing is to call your bank. Most of the banks will offer a 24-hour phone ban, which lets you check your balance whilst talking to a human. If you don’t know the number, then all you need to do is call the branch office that is found in your local phone book, and ask them about finding out your balance.
You can log on to your online bank account, too. Most bank accounts these days will show the balance of the previous day, as well as the current available balance, You should refer to the available balance for the most recent number, which is of course the most accurate. Most banks, too, will update their systems overnight, so many of the current figures will only be available at midday during working days. Hence, your weekend figure may not be accurate, but most banks to display ATM and debit card payments every day.
You should also ensure that you keep either a daily or weekly update of your checkbook. You should continue to monitor transactions that have been completed recently. You can then mark off the cleared items as you see them and make monthly reconciliations much easier.
You should also try and lighten the financial chore more so by going about signing up for bank updates through your own personal banking software, if it’s available for you. For a monthly fee to your bank, you will be able to update your software anytime that you want. You will always have a list of the most current transactions, which means that you’ll always know precisely how much you have.
The next thing is to call your bank. Most of the banks will offer a 24-hour phone ban, which lets you check your balance whilst talking to a human. If you don’t know the number, then all you need to do is call the branch office that is found in your local phone book, and ask them about finding out your balance.
You can log on to your online bank account, too. Most bank accounts these days will show the balance of the previous day, as well as the current available balance, You should refer to the available balance for the most recent number, which is of course the most accurate. Most banks, too, will update their systems overnight, so many of the current figures will only be available at midday during working days. Hence, your weekend figure may not be accurate, but most banks to display ATM and debit card payments every day.
You should also ensure that you keep either a daily or weekly update of your checkbook. You should continue to monitor transactions that have been completed recently. You can then mark off the cleared items as you see them and make monthly reconciliations much easier.
You should also try and lighten the financial chore more so by going about signing up for bank updates through your own personal banking software, if it’s available for you. For a monthly fee to your bank, you will be able to update your software anytime that you want. You will always have a list of the most current transactions, which means that you’ll always know precisely how much you have.