The advantage of them is that there is absolutely no credit checking done for you to receive this loan, you just need to be working and have a checking account that is in good order. If you have these, you will qualify.
Because there are no credit checks, there will be no record on your credit history of this loan so you will not be able to start rebuilding your credit rating.
The amount that you will be able to borrow is completely dependent upon your ability to pay it back. If you are married, you will be able to combine your income and that of your spouse to determine the total. Different no-credit check loan companies will allow you to borrow up to a particular percentage of your income, so it pays to shop around to make sure that you get the best deal.
Obviously, you must make sure, when you are making your calculations that you don’t over extend yourself so that you can meet your other monthly commitments.
You can find many companies that offer this service online, and you may find that their interest rates are a little lower due to the stiff competition, and that they may give you a little longer to repay.
Typically, you will be expected to present the company with a post dated check with the outstanding sum, and any fees and interest included. This will usually be for the date that you get paid.