
Can Teachers In Arizona Collect Unemployment Benefits During The Summer Months?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, not if you have a signed contract lined up for next year. Don't ask your employer about it because they would have to be the ones to pay the unemployment, and they will be touchy about the subject.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you work for a charter school that does not have a traditional teacher's contract, but only work employment Letter of Agreement, can you collect unemployment benefits if a letter is given stating that "You may not receive a Letter of Agreement, but you're not being fired, we just aren't offering you a letter."

Does this sentence give the employer a "Loop Hole" of freedom to not cover unemployment benefits for a teacher not working during the next school year?
nettie Profile
nettie answered
They do get some type of pay while they are off during the summer not sure if it is vacation pay or what but they do get some type of funds...the best to you

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