I just received mine today....Well actually I received two different ones in the mail. I'm trying to contact them now to see which letter is correct.
No, I called today because my first session just ran out. The man said that I should automatically receive a letter after my last check was drawn. It's only Tuesday after my last week, so I have no reason to think it's delayed. He did say that they just got some news that things will be 'dramatically different after Dec. 1 because some people were going on 2 years unemployment and they were running out of money.' In my case, I only got 15 weeks, he said I would automatically get th extension letter and could probably get one more extension, though in his opinion, things would change after the beginning of the year. He did not seem to have definite information, and they did just pass another funding bill so who knows if that's accurate...They aren't predicting that more people will be hiring until next spring.