What Is The Public Relation Problems Faced By The Developing Countries?


3 Answers

ADLINE Profile
ADLINE answered
There is no African country where pr is in proper practice except south Africa. Hence problems that hinder pr in  Africa are
1. Pr practice are not well understood in the continent that is many organizations do not appreciate the role ofpr and hence do not have or consider pr.

2.Lack of specialization in the area of study.  Many people or professionals don't consider this as an area that needs much expertise. Many would rather major in sciences discipline or business management.

3.Language barrier; even with specialized course many African countries speak in native tribes hence hard to define a common or national language to pass the information to the mass.

4. Lack of technological know how that is with the world developing many machineries like computers, scanners  etc have come to fasten office work but saddly as many Africans are not learned thay can't effectivelt or efficiently operate this machines

5. Infrastructural limitations  this are communication problems and lack of proper equipment to finance or fasten pr duties.in case of a pr function like sponsorship such issues like bad or inaccessible roads will make your work a disappointment.

6. Lack of ethics by the existing pro's and organization.Many people abuse the office and don't give much efforts to work.

7. Negative cultural habits,attitudes and taboos.This goes with different tribes hence as you plan a campaign or advertising method you have to ensure not going against a particular group.
...and other...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Public relations is new to most african countries.....for example in zambia PR was not offered by any institution at degree level untill in 2006 thus when Cavendish university started offering a BA in public Realtions. From 1964 publi relations has been a mere topic in the school of Marketing at the copperbelt University and a mere Course at the University of Zambia in Mass communications. Hence most People and Managers (business proffessionals) know little about what public relations is. They mistake it for Propaganda, Media relations, Spokesperson, Free Advertising, press relations etc. But most of these are just mere functions of PR, infact public relations goeas beyong with issues like Crisis Management, Issues management, Exhibitions, CSR, Spomsorhsips, internal or employee relations etc. This is why I have done a comprehensive study for my thesison the subject matter.
Name: Topsy Sikalinda ( Bachelor of Arts Public Relations - Cavendsih universty Zambia)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Public relations problems are ;
poverty -people can not buy communication facilities
cultural beliefs-
lack of education
poor infrustracture
some countries have no tv station

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