The claim that East Valley Financial can lower your credit card rate is most likely a scam. There are several stories of people being ripped off and cold called by this company. People have been told that East Valley Financial can significantly lower credit card rates, when really they have no jurisdiction and are not able to negotiate with credit card firms.
East Valley Financial is a relatively new company operating in the US. It is a company that entices you to pay for service. But you can then never get hold of your assigned advisor.
It appears that the majority of people have had a bad experience with East Valley Financial. There are, however, a few people who say that the service was good.
If your credit card account is not with East Valley Financial, you should take into account that accepting a deal with them would mean involving a third party with your account, which more often than not always ends up with a less than desirable situation.
East Valley Financial is a relatively new company operating in the US. It is a company that entices you to pay for service. But you can then never get hold of your assigned advisor.
It appears that the majority of people have had a bad experience with East Valley Financial. There are, however, a few people who say that the service was good.
If your credit card account is not with East Valley Financial, you should take into account that accepting a deal with them would mean involving a third party with your account, which more often than not always ends up with a less than desirable situation.