It is easy to get a payday loan using Account Now Mastercard, a prepaid credit card service. You simply need to set up a direct debit linking your payday loan provider and your Account Now card account. A number of payday loan companies will accept this arrangement, including the popular company Check City.
Typically, payday loan services do not ask for a large amount of information regarding your credit history (some ask for none at all). It should be noted, however, that if you fail to pay your payday loan back on time you will incur phenomenal extra charges. In addition to this, the interest rates on payday loans are incredibly high, making borrowing very expensive. It should only be used as a final alternative - for instance, if your credit history is too bad for a bank to consider you and no family members can lend to you.
If you already have an Account Now Mastercard, you are all set to go. If not, you should apply for a card online. The prepaid credit cards offered by Account Now Mastercard can help you greatly in setting your finances in order. Unlike a regular credit card, the borrowing function on an Account Now card is disabled. You must deposit your money at the bank or through direct debit contributions before you can spend it. This can help you get into good spending habits and will gradually boost your credit rating. Prepaid cards allow you to keep all your money in one place securely; it is far safer than carrying your money around in cash. If you do need to borrow money, you can have a payday loan paid into your prepaid card account, and pay the money back from the same account when required.
Typically, payday loan services do not ask for a large amount of information regarding your credit history (some ask for none at all). It should be noted, however, that if you fail to pay your payday loan back on time you will incur phenomenal extra charges. In addition to this, the interest rates on payday loans are incredibly high, making borrowing very expensive. It should only be used as a final alternative - for instance, if your credit history is too bad for a bank to consider you and no family members can lend to you.
If you already have an Account Now Mastercard, you are all set to go. If not, you should apply for a card online. The prepaid credit cards offered by Account Now Mastercard can help you greatly in setting your finances in order. Unlike a regular credit card, the borrowing function on an Account Now card is disabled. You must deposit your money at the bank or through direct debit contributions before you can spend it. This can help you get into good spending habits and will gradually boost your credit rating. Prepaid cards allow you to keep all your money in one place securely; it is far safer than carrying your money around in cash. If you do need to borrow money, you can have a payday loan paid into your prepaid card account, and pay the money back from the same account when required.