Well you can mow lawns rake yards shovel snow clean rain gutters,baby sit,sell lemonade,sell somthing
Is the job to make money or experience? TO make money, there are small jobs elderly in the neighborhood can give. When people around you find that a child wants to earn money they may create small jobs just because of their honesty to make money. These jobs require parents pre-checking the job out, getting to know the people and make the decision as to the amount of labor the child may perform. You may not want children to do jobs that require they spend time inside someone's home. This will protect both parties involved. There are errands, light yard work, and maybe cleaning of garages. Whatever you do, a parent needs to know where the child is at all times. It will be a great idea to provide the child with a cell phone. They have some that only calls the parents, or a pre-paid use for parent - child communication.
Actually 14 is not the legal age to get or find a job. However, there are many people who take underage kids for specific jobs but they dare not advertise it anywhere. So I say keep looking around.
Nope,you might as well sell a lemonade in your village or wait till you get 16 or 18 before you can start to find your own formal Job.