
What Is The Maximum Unemployment Benefit In The State Of Louisiana?


2 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Currently, the maximum amount of unemployment benefit you can receive whilst residing in the state of Louisiana is $258 a week.

The minimum amount is $10 a week, but it is likely that you'll receive something in-between these figures, depending on your financial situation.

How much unemployment benefit can I claim in Louisiana?
The way that your unemployment insurance benefit figure is worked out is pretty simple.

The state will base the amount they pay you on something called a 'base period' - a time when you were in employment and receiving weekly wages.

To apply for unemployment benefits, all you need to do is to go to a Job Center with the following documentation:

  • One form of photo ID
  • Your social security number
  • A comprehensive list of any employers you worked for during the last 18 months (make sure to include names, locations and contact details).
For more information about applying for unemployment insurance in Louisiana, why not visit the Louisiana Workforce Commission website?

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