How Will You Influence People To Strive Willingly For Group Objectives In Your Organization (target Based Industry)? Apply Your Interpersonal Influence Through Communication Process Towards Attaining Your Specialized Goals?


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Anonymous answered
How will you influence people to strive willingly for group
objectives in your organization (target based industry)?
Apply interpersonal influence through communication process
towards attaining your personalized goals?


Several organizational factors must be in place in order
for a team to succeed:

* Common and consistent goals that are accepted by all team
members. Organizational commitment to the team concept,
including support from top management.

* Clear roles and well-defined responsibilities for members
and leaders.

* Both real and perceived power delegated to the teams.

* Mutual accountability for team performance.

* Recognition and reward systems that support team

Teams sometimes fail because they don't adequately define
leadership roles and task clarity. These may be clarified
by using a shared leadership model. For example, team
members may agree to take leadership responsibility for
specific aspects of the team's mission. In some cases,
leadership may shift to different team members on a
rotating basis.

The following elements are necessary when building a cross-
functional team:

* It must contain the right members.

* The team must have a clear direction.

* Members must have access to the "movers and shakers" of
the organization.

* Members must agree on the standards by which they will
gauge success or failure.

* Everyone must agree on the ground rules from the start.

* Members must have the proper training in teamwork.

Teams are not always the best way to structure work.
Managers should ask themselves if requiring employees to
make decisions as a group enhances or impairs work

Effective Pay Programs

More and more companies are trying to develop effective
team-based pay programs. A Hewitt Associates study found
that successful team pay programs have the following common

* They link teams to their performance management systems
with the use of shared responsibilities, goals and

* They provide variable pay plans, especially team
incentive plans, business incentive plans or project
outcome plans.

* They use peer reviews, subordinate reviews and internal
client-customer reviews.

* When making pay increase decisions, they involve a number
of different people in the process.

Communication Anxiety

Good employee communication is essential to good teamwork,
but studies indicate that some team members suffer
from "communication anxiety." To address the problem,
Whirlpool Corp. Tested employees for such anxiety and then
provided them with training to alleviate the problem.

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