Yes, as far as I know, you always need a business license before you can register your business. Also you need a tax ID number (registering) to be in legal accordance with US law. If you are not in the US then I don't know.
Selling calling cards without having a legal license is offensive in us and many other countries as well. The other option is also available in which you could take the license from any other calling card provider firm who offers reseller program. Connect Card could be the best option to take license and sell calling cards and you don't need to own any type of license.
Selling calling cards without having a legal license is offensive in us and many other countries as well. The other option is also available in which you could take the license from any other calling card provider firm who offers reseller program. Connect Card could be the best option to take license and sell calling cards and you don't need to own any type of license.
Yes, of course. You need a license to sell calling cards.
Yes I think you might need a license to sell calling cards to anyone but try other people and see what they say okay