
In What Ways Can Advertising Be Useful And Entertaining?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Advertising is useful in many ways as it helps for the publicity of the product. There are different methods of advertising like through media, newspapers, pamphlets, hoardings, etc. Through this the people are aware of the product  and desires to wish it . The more the product is advertised the more market it catches.advertising is entertaining also as the advertisement shown on television attracts the customers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For a teenager like me. I strongly agree that advertising can be useful and entertaining. Why?
I believe that in this modern and growing rapidly time, people esp kids are able to open up their eyes and able to know what the real world is as advertisment can be one of the ways that can dscribe how  the real world look like. In my case,I live in brunei. And I'm 17year old. As some will not know where brunei is,I suggest google would be the solution. No offence. But back to the topic, for a teenagers like me,and living in quite a small country that is still developing,most of us are still not sure what is really happening in the real world. In our mindset,it is still the tradition from the past. For myself,I realised that the newspapers,magazines,catalogues and ofcourse internet are the one where we could have access in knowing how the world besides us works. Through we have our pictures how outside look like. Thus with advertisements inserted in them, we have more knowledge about lots of different things. Now that I finally knew,apple products are always updated.without it,I would not be able to know whats the latest product of apple. So I know that advertisement like this can be useful for teenagers like me.
On the other hand,the purpose of advertisers to come up with advertisement that are entertaining,they are aiming to attract more attentions to their products. With this,wants are then entertainment is advertisement is not wrong,but preferrably=) this would boost up the attentions and how it can make a person's day happy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

why are adverisements useful?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are having fun watching it and knowing that their product is useful for your daily needs

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