Can Someone Describe The Term "Learning" In Organizational Behavior?


3 Answers

Syed Rizwan Ali Shah Hamdani Profile
A relatively permanent change in the behavior occurring as a result of experience. Two approaches to learning are offered by operant conditioning and social learning theory. Organizational learning complements these approaches by stressing the importance of commitment to learning throughout an organization.

Organizational members, especially newcomers, must learn how to perform new tasks. Experienced employees must learn how to use new equipment and technology or how to follow new policies and procedures. Learning is a fundamental process in organizations. This chapter discusses principles of learning that managers can promote to maintain desired organizational behaviors such as good customer service or manufacturing high-quality products.

Learning consists of a relatively permanent change in knowledge or behaviors that result from practice or experience. This definition has three key elements: (1) permanent, (2) change, and (3) through practice. A temporary change in behavior or knowledge is not characteristic of learning. Learning takes place through practice, or the experience of watching others, although it is tempting to take shortcuts. Theories of learning, operant conditioning, and social learning theory emphasize different ways of learning.
Dharshana Shalien Jayasekera Profile
All complex behavior is learned. If we want to learn & predict behavior, we need to understand how people learn.
Definition of learning is " any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience."
* The 'learning' concept is theoretical and it is not directly observable.
* In the above definition the researches clarify several components. First learning involves change. Change may be good or bad from an organizational point of view. Secondly the change must be relatively permanent. Temporary changes may be only reflexive and fail to represent any learning. Thirdly the definition is concerned with behavior.
* Learning take place if only there is a change in action. There would be no learning if the behavior is not changed.
* Researches have also found that some form of experience is necessary for learning. Experience may be acquired directly through observation or practice, or indirectly as through reading.
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