What Is Conditioning Learning Theory With Respect To Consumer Behavior?


2 Answers

Saddaf K Profile
Saddaf K answered
The Conditioning Theory of learning states that the mind is conditioned to react in a certain way to a certain situation or a certain stimulant. It means that when a certain type of situation is created, or in the presence of a specific stimulant, our mind will make us react in a way that we have gotten used to it. This theory is in fact the force of habit. It plays its role in consumer behaviour too. We have gotten used to responding to certain products or certain selling techniques or promotional techniques in specific ways. I will give you an example.
Say, You go to K-Mart and the blue light turns on. Now what do you think people will do? Most of the cost conscious customers will make a bee line to that table where the blue light is turned on because they associate the blue light with a good sale. And, research has already proved that people are more likely to buy the sale product on the table under the blue light even if the product is not a good value.
Classical conditioning also works with advertising. For example, many ad of beer feature attractive young women wearing revealing bikinis. The young women ( who act as the unconditioned Stimulus) naturally bring out a favorable, mildly aroused feeling (which is the unconditioned Response) in the target audience which are of course mostly men. The beer simply gets associated with this effect.
Muhammad Sohail Profile
Muhammad Sohail answered
According to this theory learning comes from the repetition of a situation. Generally we will say that when a person repeat an activity again and again he get to know from that activity a lot of experiences.

For example, when a person comes to know that when he is a short of sleep or insomnia then it can cause the depression. The above situation is based on repetition of the situation. We have the following three elements related to conditioning learning theory.

1: Repetition:

The marketer always tries to repeat the message again and again through television, radio, newspaper, magazines, journals etc. So that it may inculcate in the minds of the consumer and they motivate for the purchase of company's product.

2: Generalization stimulus:

It means that learning is not only dependent on the repetition of the situation but also on the ability to think of the product. Therefore the marketers convey his message in an easy and understandable way and also display his products which may activate the consumers and then they may take the action to buy the products.

3: Discrimination stimulus:

Discrimination stimulus means that the product should be displayed and the message should be conveyed in a different way than that of the other companies. So that the consumer may easily understand the one's company's products.

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