A branch sort code is a unique number for every branch office of a bank so that it can be recognized. In the UK and Ireland, a bank branch sort code is six digits and is divided into parts through hyphens so that, if the branch sort code is 987654, it will be written as 98-76-54. A bank branch has a sub branch which will be recognized with the same branch sort code as it's parent branch.
In Germany, bank branch sort codes are known as Bankleitzahl or BLZ and consist of 8 digits and are divided into 3 parts of 3-3-2 digits for example 987-654-32. In Canada, the branch sort code is known as the transit code and is 8 digits long divided into 2 parts where the first 5 digits is the branch number and the other 3 digits is the institution code, divided by a hyphen for example 98765-432.
In Germany, bank branch sort codes are known as Bankleitzahl or BLZ and consist of 8 digits and are divided into 3 parts of 3-3-2 digits for example 987-654-32. In Canada, the branch sort code is known as the transit code and is 8 digits long divided into 2 parts where the first 5 digits is the branch number and the other 3 digits is the institution code, divided by a hyphen for example 98765-432.