
I Have Not Been Receiving My Unemployment Checks Here In NJ The Phone Message Says That Not Payable At This Time , I Will Receive A Credit . What Should I Do?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its almost march and I have been claiming since november and it says "not payable at this time" I have been calling and emailing them since november with no response. What is going on?!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem and am unable to talk to a real person.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your 1 yr. Anniversary is up. You will need to call or go down to the nearest job center. Mention what is happening to the agent, they will have to reactivate your claim.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This means there is a problem with you claim you need to contact you local office there is either a up comming interview or a disqualification

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