As far as I can tell there is no set law in the statute books that state a specific time by which retroactive unemployment benefits should be received by the claimant. Saying that, it is good practice to reimburse claimants without any unnecessary delay in proceedings.
If your unemployment appeal has been secured with no chance of further appeals from the state or your previous employer, then you should receive retroactive payment from when you first filed for unemployment benefit (please note: It is a common assumption that benefits will start from the date of when a person is fired or leaves work, but this is not the case) on the same date as when you receive your first unemployment benefit payment.
If this has not been the case, then you need to contact the relevant office to consult with them about this situation. Without knowing where you reside, I cannot provide exact details but there should be contact information on any official correspondence you have received. As with every case of dealing with issues with large organizations and bureaucracy, forceful but courteous language and tone should be employed. It is rarely the direct fault of the person receiving your communications and any unnecessary proclamations may result in further delays.
It may be that a delay has occurred in your payment because of an incorrect mailing address or there are erroneous direct bank deposit details being held for you in the files of the unemployment office. Check that your information is correct as they usually do not accept responsibility for lost checks or incorrect banking or mailing information you provide.
You should maintain you regular agreed schedule of weekly claims certifications during this process of reclamation of retroactive benefits as you need to tell the state you are still eligible for them.
If your unemployment appeal has been secured with no chance of further appeals from the state or your previous employer, then you should receive retroactive payment from when you first filed for unemployment benefit (please note: It is a common assumption that benefits will start from the date of when a person is fired or leaves work, but this is not the case) on the same date as when you receive your first unemployment benefit payment.
If this has not been the case, then you need to contact the relevant office to consult with them about this situation. Without knowing where you reside, I cannot provide exact details but there should be contact information on any official correspondence you have received. As with every case of dealing with issues with large organizations and bureaucracy, forceful but courteous language and tone should be employed. It is rarely the direct fault of the person receiving your communications and any unnecessary proclamations may result in further delays.
It may be that a delay has occurred in your payment because of an incorrect mailing address or there are erroneous direct bank deposit details being held for you in the files of the unemployment office. Check that your information is correct as they usually do not accept responsibility for lost checks or incorrect banking or mailing information you provide.
You should maintain you regular agreed schedule of weekly claims certifications during this process of reclamation of retroactive benefits as you need to tell the state you are still eligible for them.