Nearly every cash loan organization, even the less reputable ones that offer quick approval, requires you to have a job and a bank account. This is because without a bank account they have no way to keep track of you, and no means of garnishing money if you do not pay back the loan on time.
Without a bank account, most loan places will view you as a risk, especially since they have no way of taking money from you if you default. Having bad credit or a strained bank account is worlds better than having no bank account, as without a bank account you don’t exist financially.
It’s almost impossible to imagine a debt or credit problem that would necessitate being without a bank account. Opening a bank account is key to getting any kind of loan, even if you have a high-paying job or money on the way.
In general, getting an immediate cash loan with no bank account is almost an impossible task to attempt. The best suggestion is to open up a bank account, so that you’re on the financial map, and failing that, to try to patch up whatever debts or credit strikes are preventing you from obtaining a proper bank account.