
Is The Ca Edd Extension Automatic Or Do We Have To Fill Out A Form?


7 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
The Ca Edd extension is not automatic and a claim form needs to be filled out. The California Employment Development Department website states that the regular unemployment claim still lasts for 26 weeks after which a new claim form will need to be submitted.
These claim forms are automatically sent out to people approaching the 26-week threshold. There is a date on the form, by when the claim form needs to be returned to the California Employment Development Department. As long as the form reaches the EDD by this date then the claimant should not have suffer any interruption in their benefit payments as the forms are normally processed within a day or two of receipt.
The first tier of extension lasts for up to 20 weeks, at which time a second extension will need to be applied for, again by filling in a claim form. This tier lasts for up to 14 weeks and then the third tier will come into action, as long as a claim form has been submitted. This extension lasts for up to 13 weeks. The fourth tier of federal extension lasts for up to 6 weeks and the fifth tier (the FED-ED extension) lasts for up to 20 weeks.
Claim forms need to be submitted to qualify for each tier of extension. This means that there is no change to the number of total weeks that unemployment benefit can be claimed for, 99 weeks is the maximum. After this period unemployed workers in California will have run out of all available benefits. Extended claims can also be made by telephoning the EDD, by fax, or the quickest way, visiting eApply4UI on the website, "".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Edd sends w2 forms to individuals who were on unemployment? Or how can I find out about the deductions?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Curious if you received the extension & if it was really automatic as my claim is also about to expire.  

Also, new question:
Our claims last only one calendar year.  I put my claim on hold for two months to do some volunteer work (wanted to get something on my CV).  Now, with the extension, the calendar year of my claim will expire before I receive all my benefits.  Will I still receive the extension benefits even after the 1 year calendar date expires?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
FROM EDD WEB-SITE: Good news for those who have exhausted all available extended unemployment benefits as of December 5, 2009.EDD was able to complete necessary testing and automatically file the new federal extension claims on Sunday night for potentially eligible claimants who have already run out of benefits. Notifications alerting approximately 115,000 people of their filing status and claim forms to verify eligibility are being sent in the mail today, Monday, December 14, 2009. With this automatic filing of extension claims, claimants who previously had been advised to file for the extension, will no longer need to submit a new application online.In addition, EDD has been able to expedite the payment process in the extraordinary case of this new extension. That should enable the department to issue and mail the first two-week checks for those eligible claimants by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 15. This is being done as a one-time event due to the severe nature of the recession, the extenuating circumstances surrounding the complex programming of the Department’s outdated computer systems, and the difficulties faced by many long-term unemployed workers who went without benefits for several weeks until Congress approved the new extension program. The work-around process developed in our system is for the first two-week checks only.Once eligible claimants receive their first check, the next two-week claim form will be attached. Claimants are encouraged to quickly and accurately complete the form and mail it back right away to EDD for additional weeks of eligibility that have already passed. Eligible claimants who immediately return claim forms for past weeks will receive claim forms and checks until they are caught up with all eligible weeks under the new federal extension. The first payable week under the new federal extension program is the week beginning November 8, 2009.It’s important to remember that someone has to fully exhaust all benefits currently available to them before they can qualify for the new third tier of benefits approved by the federal government in November. It’s estimated that approximately 164,000 Californians will become eligible for the new extension upon running out of their current benefits between now and December 27, which is the current federal deadline for filing for any new extension of unemployment benefits.

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