I Need To File My Weekly Claim For Unemployment. How Can I Do That Online?


19 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
Filing unemployment claims may be very confusing especially when you have never filed one before. The unemployment insurance works in an agreement between the federal and state governments but the state government administers it to claimers.

Before you can successfully file this claim, you need to look in the right place and be sure to use the right information. However, you can file on the internet, through the phone or through any other means that your state government accepts. Things you will need: Computer, internet access, printer, phone book.

Your first step should be to find out which service attends to unemployment claims in your state. This body answers different things in different states; for instance they are called the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission in Oklahoma. If nobody around you knows the name the unemployment service in your states goes by, you can do an internet search on it. For example, if you are in Nevada, you can do a search with the term ‘Nevada unemployment filing’ and you will get the right website. Carry out this search on Google.

Take your time on the website and write down tips you find on the site that would help. For instance, make important notes on the filing information; the days of the month you can file in order to get paid, the requirements needed to file each week. Also find the online unemployment filing form and bookmark it. In most states, you will need to provide evidence that you are job hunting. Therefore, you have to make notes that include a contact phone number and email address which you can call or write to when you need some questions answered.

Fill the online unemployment claim that you bookmarked at the right time each week. You can use the contact phone number you wrote for details if you run into difficulties.

Print out the confirmation page of each form you filed and document them. Properly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need to certify weekly claim for  this week
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go under the state in line in uneployment. It should take you to the claim center. Look up this state you live for uneployment
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Two choices online or by phone..go to you states UI web site to claim weekly/or get phone numbers there on the web site to call.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Am in an odd position in that, due to a timing fluke and all, I live 2500 miles away from the state I am collecting unemployment from.
New Hampshire allows people to file a new claim online, but only under certain conditions. If you live within 25 miles of an office, you *must* go in and file in person, though you can make your weekly claims online or by phone. Since I live >2500 miles away from their nearest office, I was allowed to file online.

Now, I don't know if the state you are trying to file in works that way or not though. For all I know, maybe you live someplace where they don't even use computers!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm in maryland, filed on the phone, was accepted, don't know how to file bi-weekly claim online. I have tried several sites, none are for continuing claim. Can you help me? Thanking you in advance, a
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to register with your state. Ex. Texas Workforce Commission. Go online but in our state you apply every two weeks and have to apply to at least 3 companies a week. It takes a few weeks to get it going so don't delay.
Yves M. Profile
Yves M. answered
You should be able to access it through your state's website. Without knowing your state, it's difficult to tell you exactly the website.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need to file my weekly clam. Ralph wilson in okla
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to your local unemployment office and have them set you up either online or send you a voucher through the mail
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get application on line before 2 months ago still I am waiting my unemployement claim.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Community Alternative Inc(Norfolk,Va.)Residential Care Specialist/ Amanda Fisher Human Resources/
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stupid! The state was identified in the question (SC)... "SC" means South Carolina.
Thanks for your non-reply. You must be a net-bot to be so inflexible in your response.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Apparently oklahoma has changed their web page to file weekly claims I have been using www.unemployment.ok.gov for the last 5 months.. By chance do you know what the new one is

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