Has Any One Ever Hear Of Financial Remedies Inc. They Claim To Be Able To Do A Loan Modification In 40 To 60 Days. They Also Require That You Pay Them 1st. Does Anyone Have Any Useful Information On This Company?


10 Answers

Daniel Blazer Profile
Daniel Blazer answered
The company has caused a lot of speculation, as many people like yourself believe it to be a scam. There is compelling argument to suggest that it is nothing but a company that is able to help you with your loan, however. Many people do not realise that when they are trying to get your loan to be modified so that it is easier to pay, this process can be incredibly long winded. People worry because the process seems quite long and the company must be paid up front.

What you must remember is that loans are a tricky business. If you have found yourself in a level of debt that you can barely manage, and are just on the verge of bankruptcy, then it takes a strong legal team and dedicated staff to get all your creditors to come to an agreement to help you repay your debt. What this company does is get in touch with all your creditors, explain the situation, and take appropriate action to ensure that a much better repayment schedule can be offered.

Generally this means that instead of budgeting for debt to a number of organisations and bodies, you will be paying one fixed monthly fee to one other organisation, Financial Remedies Inc. The company is there to essentially consolidate all of your debt into one repayment. This repayment may continue for longer than others, but in the short term will allow you to refrain from filing for bankruptcy and having a major effect on nearly every part of your life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do know of the company. They are not a scam. It always amazes me that so many have their opinions on something they know nothing about. Most do not understand that it takes countless hours, days, weeks and possibly months to actually be successful with a loan modification. Typically lenders reject homeowners outright when they apply on their own. This service is necessary otherwise a lot of homeowners would be drowned in the endless sea of modification frustration and lose their homes.
As in any industry there are good and bad apples. They are not a scam. No where could I locate any information that they have not refunded money where it was due, nor provide the service they promised. The underwriter is HUD approved and has over 30+ years’ experience. I don’t know any attorney or loan mod firm that can touch that. The reps on average have 20+ years experience. You are hiring the knowledge, the experience, and the success. Paying upfront is necessary. You’re relying on a homeowner who doesn’t even pay for the home they live in, so you’re entrusting them to pay you for a service you provided to them after the fact? The homeowner simply skips away with their success, never be heard from again. Think about it, would you want to provide a service and then the client tells you they don’t have the money or simply ignores and doesn’t pay you. This is a very convoluted and time consuming process. There is no real black and white, it’s gray and that’s why it’s so difficult.
Just like most attorneys’ charge upfront for their service as well, so do most loan mod services. The firm has a B- rating on the BBB with one complaint that was resolved, that is what matters, how they resolve their complaints. As well they hold  a good rating on the Online Better Bureau.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god Don't anybody  deal with this so called company there a scam. We went thur them for a loan modification told us that we were approved and we needed to send them 995.00. After sending them the money they did nothing for us. Told us that they deal with my lender all the time and that they were one of the biggest companies out there.They never sent my paper work to my lender. When I called my lender to inquire about our modification and to see what was going on. My lender informed me that they never got our paperwork  nor have they ever heard of this so called company that they say they deal with all the time. Please anybody thinking of going thur this company call Financial Remedies DON"T DO IT. There a scam. We found out the hard way. Fighting now to get my hard earned money back from these scam artist.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They scammed my husband and me out of 2400 bucks!!!  They started off to be very helpful.  I was first contacted by Jeff Gibson, who then gave all my info to Amie Alvarado who then gave it to Teresa Marshall, who was very nasty and short with me.  This is when I started to realize that something was wrong.  To my amazement, they did send in my paperwork.  So, I was not quite sure how to proceed with things.  As I called my mortgage company to check my status of my modification they asked me for some more documents.  I just wanted to let Financial Remedies know as a heads up and make them aware that I was still around and to make sure that they were available for me too.  Well, I emailed them and immediately got a email notification that my email has failed to be sent.  Then I tried to call their number and all it does is beep as if it is off the hook.  They are definitely a scam and I will do everything to try and get my money back.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They contacted me, I checked them out on google earth and their address in Wyoming is a UPS distribution center. I called a business at the same address and there are no suites there, and no company by that name. Beware, they are not BBB affiliated, total scam as far as I can tell.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Its a mailbox where the mail is received. Many smart corporate offices are located in another secure location seperate from mail receipt as there are a lot of time bomb nut jobs out there that are on the fringe of going ballistic on the innocent. They dont have to be BBB affiliated, alot of great companies are not. Do you realize the BBB is a prvt organization that charges a large member fee to get an A rating? Get your facts straight...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have you received any more information on this company? I have also been in touch with them and was trying to figure out the same question. Thanks.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Someone posted a comment on them online and said they once were Onpoint Law Center. When I rearched Onpoint I disovered they were a scam company that had gone out of business recently. Since they require a fee upfront and they are not listed on the BBB I will not be using them. If I am going take a chance paying money upfront I'd rather pay a company that is listed in the BBB and has good reviews and comments online.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I working with them now...they want $2,000 dollars up front...I am willing to pay at closing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I went through them also. They faxed paperwork to my lender ( Beneficial). My lender said they are not government funded and would not do modification. They took $2200 dollars Has anyone ever got there money back?

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