It will ultimately show up probably as a 1099 misc. You will also receive, I believe a 1099G from your state, so when you do your taxes the income could overlap and possibly throw up a red flag, however it won't really show actual dates worked, probably just a gross $ amount. There is also the issue of a W9 which you would fill out as an independent contractor or an employee which ties your social security number to all reportable income. There is also the possibility of a random audit conducted by your state to make sure UI compliance is in place.
Bottom line: Probably about a 50 50 chance you will eventually get caught. You have to weigh the risk. In the State of Indiana, where I live, there is a 20% rule, which basically says that any income you receive over 20% of your base is deducted from your benefits on a dollar for dollar basis. If your base is $300.00 you will still receive $ 60.00 no matter how much the income is for that week, and it is done on a week to week basis. There is also still the $25.00 kicker from the stimulus plan that comes from Federal. No easy answer for this one. Only sure way to avoid this is cash under the table. Whoops!!
Indiana Pat
Bottom line: Probably about a 50 50 chance you will eventually get caught. You have to weigh the risk. In the State of Indiana, where I live, there is a 20% rule, which basically says that any income you receive over 20% of your base is deducted from your benefits on a dollar for dollar basis. If your base is $300.00 you will still receive $ 60.00 no matter how much the income is for that week, and it is done on a week to week basis. There is also still the $25.00 kicker from the stimulus plan that comes from Federal. No easy answer for this one. Only sure way to avoid this is cash under the table. Whoops!!
Indiana Pat