
Children Should Not Be Given Pocket Money . Why?


18 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Children should not be given pocket money because this will increase their demands .They will misuse that money and may also go on the wrong path. They start spending the money carelessly. They should realize the importance of money. Money is very precious. They should learn that it is very difficult to earn money.
siddharth dhawan Profile
I think pocket money should not be given to the children because they can misuse it-
they can buy non necessary things
they can use it carelessly
they do not understand the value of money
Money is very precious. They should learn that it is very difficult to earn money also Children should not be given pocket money because this will increase their demands
They will misuse that money and may also go on the wrong path.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think that children below 12 years should be given pocket money. Till this stage children thoughts are underdeveloped of lets say that they are in a learning stage of decide between what is good and bad?
And providing unnecessary money will surely lead to some distraction.the money might be use innocently in unproductive or bad activities,and instead of knowing the value of money they will learn to misuse  it.
Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

Children might spend it on candy or other useless things

Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Hi, I think that children should not be given pocket money
because they may buy unhealthy things such as cigarettes and alcoholic drinks,
which will have a negative impact on their health. They may also overspend.
When giving their kids money, parents should teach them about how to use it

1 Person thanked the writer.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I didn't know children were allowed to buy tobacco and alcoholic drinks.

Where do you live?
Taila Nevado
Taila Nevado commented
Hi Tom, I was not talking about my country only, and children here I mean adolescents. It is believed that in the US over 87% of smokers have not reached the legal age of purchasing tobacco, and in UK 40% of smokers are under the age of 16.
Taila Nevado
Taila Nevado commented
Even if they do not have the right to buy it so, they do so.
Matilda Kunher Profile
Matilda Kunher answered

Hi! I believe in the magic of money. I believe that money can attract even more money, so money should be earned correctly. I have a large purse. A lot depends on the wallet. I think you know that. Now I work on the Internet. It's my job visit. I like that I can be my own boss and earn as much money as I need. It's convenient. I travel a lot and consider myself a happy person.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

In my opinion, children below the age of 12 should not be given pocket money as they are still in the learning age of deciding between what is good and what is bad.

them pocket money would just provide unnecessary distraction and
instead of learning the value of money, they will learn to misuse it. (They might spend the money carelessly on toys, candies etc.)

is very precious. They should learn that it is very difficult to earn
it. Children should not be given pocket money because this will increase
their demands and they might take things for granted.

I would
like to conclude by saying that pocket money should be given to children
when they attain teen age and become more responsible.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think that children should not get pocket money. As they grow older they will think that every job they get asked to do they will expect money for it. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think children should not be given money because nowadays there are many distractions in the world today so they would waste it easily.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

but here I feel like sometimes children should be given money because...they will learn how to manage money which will further help them in future...!!!

Nathan Lane Profile
Nathan Lane answered

I guess pocket money might mean parent's money gets abused less!! I just read the other day about a children that had spent $500 on his Dad's card for Fortnite in-game purchases! It is an issue! Responsible gaming/gambling is very important, I suppose making sure the right age groups are playing is one step to ensuring safety and parent's credit cards!!

Justin Moore Profile
Justin Moore answered

I think you should give pocket money! And I personally don't think the 4 year old is to young. It is a perfect age to start teaching them about money. What we have done is... We give our children allowance but we make them pay us back for not doing what they are suppose to do.
We give them $5.00 a week
If they don't pick up their room on a daily basis they have to pay us back $0.50
If they forget to turn of lights they have to pay us back $0.10 and so on. Make up your own rules and dollar amounts. Believe me this works cause they don't want you to take their money back! I also bring them to walmart at the end of the week and they are allowed to spend a portion of their money and the other portion goes into their savings. Hope I gave you some ideas and hope this helps. P.S. Let me know what you decide to do.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I disagree that children should not be given pocket money. Pocket money is a reward that should be used on good behaviour. But when to much is given out or it becomes regular not a reward it can be bad.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need have pocket money if you not get pocket money you will say to them can I have some money? And if you try to teach manage money they can do it.... They are young to learn quickly!

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