The best way to pay off a student job is to take a job as soon as you graduate. Even doing so, it will take anything from five to 10 years to pay off your loan. In these economically difficult times however, it can be quite difficult to land a job that allows you to pay the bills and set aside something to repay your loans. This is where grants come in. Grants are a part of the Student Loan Forgiveness scheme and are awarded provided the applicant gives something back to the society. Some organizations that you can contact regarding a grant in return for volunteer work are, AmeriCorps, Peace Corps or the Volunteers in Service to America.
Graduates in education can get increasing percentages of their loans forgiven, with every successive year that they teach in a State school, or one that enrolls low income students. Medical health personnel can get grants by working with the poor in government-run clinics and hospitals. Similarly, law students too who work for the State justice departments or in non-profit capacities can get grants.
In the United States, there is good news if you are employed in the public sector and have a loan which you have been unable to pay off for 10 years. The entire loan amount that is left over at the end of 10 years of making consistent payments will be paid off by the government.
Graduates in education can get increasing percentages of their loans forgiven, with every successive year that they teach in a State school, or one that enrolls low income students. Medical health personnel can get grants by working with the poor in government-run clinics and hospitals. Similarly, law students too who work for the State justice departments or in non-profit capacities can get grants.
In the United States, there is good news if you are employed in the public sector and have a loan which you have been unable to pay off for 10 years. The entire loan amount that is left over at the end of 10 years of making consistent payments will be paid off by the government.