
Can Anyone Explain Different Investigation Techniques In Auditing?


1 Answers

Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
The client can issue instructions to an investigator. The instructions must clearly state the person, department, company or other unit to be examined. The detail of work to be carried out. The client can state the purpose of investigation. The purpose may be purchase of business, lending of money, checking frauds, admission of partner, investment in shares, assessment of tax, determination of negligence or fixing responsibility for misfeasance.

The client must mention the period of investigation. The period may be a part of year or more than a year. The period of investigation may be five to seven years. It may also cover the coming year for the purpose of trend percentage. There is a need for sufficient investigation staff according to work assigned. The time period and amount of work can be noted to determine the number of staff members.

The investigator can collect the information relating to the business. In fact, it is a brief history of business concern and share in the market can be recorded. The investigator can collect data from internal and external sources. The books of accounts can provide maximum data about business activities. The data may be collected from banks, customers, creditors and suppliers.

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