
What Are The Difference Between Auditing And Investigation?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
20 differences between conventional audit and investigation
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Audit is a process to check whether the account are properly maintained as per required norms following all the procedures etc. And to point out any lapses in this line.
Investigation is done when a lapse already exists to pin point the reason and person involved in it so that responsibility for such lapse could be fixed.
Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
The purpose of investigation varies from business to business. The purpose of audit is to determine the true and fair view. The investigation relates to critical checking of particular records. The audit relates to checking of all books and record.

The investigation may be conducted on behalf of owners and outsiders like investors. Audit is conducted on behalf of owners only. The appointment is made by them. Investigation work can be completed through cent percent checking. Audit work may be completed through test checking. The investigation has no time limit. It may relate to many years. The audit of accounts is made for a particular time period. The investigator may or may not be a charted accountant. The auditor is usually a chartered accountant. The investigator is voluntary. It may become compulsory in certain cases. The auditor work is compulsory under law for companies and other concern.

The investigation may examine employees personally. The auditor does not examine employees personally. The investigation is usually conducted after the audit of accounts. The audit is usually conducted before the investigation of accounts. There is no legal requirement to disclose information in investigation. The auditor requires the full disclosure of information under the law.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Audit is the examination of the financial statements and internal controls of an entity to determine the Validity and fairness while investigation is the enquiry into any matter brought to the accountant's knowledge by the management
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Audit is the detail checking of accounts for the satisfaction of client of the audit orand an examination of books of accounts,vouchers,and books of business as will enable auditor to satsfied that the balance  sheet is proprely drawn up
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Investigations of books of accounts and records may cover three to seven years while audit of books of accounts is for six months or for a full year.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The qualifications of an auditor are specific and stated by a respective countries accounting standards. While, a regular old accountant can perform an investigation.

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