What Is The Structural Organization Of A Family?


2 Answers

Greg Allen Profile
Greg Allen answered
The structural organization of a family can vary, but the most common is one that consists of the following family members:

• A father
• A mother
• A child or children

The father of the family is historically the breadwinner and his main responsibility was to go out to work, earning the money to feed, clothe and house the family.

The mother of the family was historically the person who stayed at home to look after the children, until they reached school age, and also the person responsible for the upkeep of the place of residence. This upkeep included washing, cleaning and feeding the family.

The children of the family are the ones who go to school, to learn and to ensure that they are able to gain employment when they leave school, thus enabling them to continue the tradition, by leaving home and starting a family of their own.

This is the traditional organization of a family, but there are many variants of this, now that more women are going out to work, and some men are staying at home. In some families both parents work, and they employ people to look after their children, and their house.

Homosexual men and women can now legally adopt children, so this is another variance on the traditional make up of the family.

In some cultures, a number of different generations live together, and it is not uncommon for there to be up to five generations of a family living under one roof. This is most common in Asian, and African countries, where the family values are vital to the way that people live.

There are families that have just one parent, either because of death, or relationship difficulties, and it is the responsibility of the lone parent to provide for the children they have.

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