
How Do I Access My Sears Account Online?


2 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
• Accessing your Sears account online is very simple. When you sign up for your Sears card an online account becomes available for you to use at no extra cost. All you need to do is register online at For this you will need your credit card number (the long one across the middle of the card) and several other details regarding your account, such as your credit limit. It is a good idea to have the relevant paperwork with you when you register.

• You will also be asked to enter your email address in order to verify your identity and for future correspondence. If you do not yet have an email account you can easily create one through one of the many free web-based email services.

• In addition to your email address you will need to enter a password for your account. You are able to decide on the password yourself, but remember this account will hold important private information about you so it is best to create a password that is secure.  It is advisable to choose something memorable, yet personal to only you. This should not be your date of birth or surname. Ideally your password will contain both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers. This will make it more secure. Once activated you will be able to manage your Sears card account online. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year so you can use it when it suits you best.

Once you're all done you'll be able to:

• Check your balance or available credit.

• See when your next payment is due.

• View your account activity and statements.

• Pay your statement online.

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