
What Does The AIDA Model Signify In Terms Of Advertising?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In Strong's AIDA model the stages of selling are Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Other models all follow the same pattern. Strong claims that advertising can move a product one step along the chain; e.g. A single campaign can either grasp attention for a new product; raise interest for an existing product; promote desire for a product; or motivate immediate action to purchase the product. However, a single campaign cannot move a product through all four stages at a single time. If this is correct then an advertising campaign requires time and careful planning. The advertiser must be aware of the stage that his product has generally reached. The moral is that you cannot with a single advertising campaign cause consumers to purchase an otherwise wholly unknown product. You need four advertising campaigns to achieve this, and these need to be spread out over time.

This theory is based on the premise that during a sales presentation, the prospect consciously goes through four different stages: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The components of this theory believe that the salesperson should design his presentation in such a manner which takes care of all these stages of the process of selling. The details of these components are as follows:
A: Attention
The salesperson should attract the prospect to his presentation before he actually goes into the details of the same. This is to ensure that the prospect becomes receptive to the presentation.
Here the need for securing attention is must. It's a fact that usually the prospect may be busy in his routine jobs or daily assignments. Thus, before meeting the salesperson, the prospect's mind may be engaged in something other than the concerned product, about which the salesperson in going to talk.
Unless the salesperson involves the prospect's mind in the presentation, his total effort may go unnoticed or unregistered. Drawing the prospect's attention, therefore, is as good as to detach him from other assignments and involving him in the presentation, both physically and mentally, so as to gain maximum from the sales meeting.
I: Interest
Once the salesperson has successfully gained the prospect's attention, he should maintain the interest of the prospect throughout the presentation.
In other words, the salesperson should ensure that the prospect remains glued to his presentation throughout its length and that he does not wander away from the same. The salesperson should be aware of the interest, likes, dislikes, attitude and motivation of the prospect and should proceed with the presentation, keeping in view all the factors.
D: Desire
To create a strong desire in the prospect's mind to purchase his product is the next important step. The salesperson should consciously try to bring the prospect into this stage of readiness on the point of buying his product. He should concentrate on projecting the benefits of his product to the prospect. He should go even to the extent of presenting benefits according to the motivation of the prospect.
The salesperson should also be prepared to anticipate the resistance to his sales presentation in terms of objections or questions from the prospect. Not only that, he should be prepared with several answers and explanations to the anticipated objections.
A: Action
Once the salesperson has been successful in taking his prospect through the three stages, he should induce them into actually buying the product. Sometimes even after going through the three stages of Attention, Interest and Desire; the prospect may still have some doubt or some disinterest which will stop him from taking the final decision of actually buying the product. Hence, it becomes an important task for the salesperson to help his prospect in taking the final decision.
At this stage; the salesperson tries to push the prospect into a situation to take a decision; and the deal is closed skilfully and successfully. This is what is expected of a salesperson in this stage.
Mehreen Misbah Profile
Mehreen Misbah answered
The AIDA model produces a pedantic illustration about the entire procedure of how advertising effects consumer behaviour. It is an acronym, which consists of the factors of attention, interest, desire and action, all of them relevant to the relationship between consumer behaviour and advertising. The first element, that is attention, describes the stage in which the brand manages to gain the attention of the consumer through the advertisement that he has come into contact with. It could be either positive or negative attention or sometimes, in a worse case, no attention at all. From the advertiser's standpoint, only the first case is a favourable one where the consumer pays positive attention to the advertisement and eventually the brand.

The next element or stage is only carried forward when the first case of the last step comes true. This is the interest phase, which the consumer indulges in, once the advertisement has his undivided attention. Next comes the factor of desire that is a step further of the interest that has been developed inside the consumer. The desire phase is a theoretical manifestation of the consumer's active buying behaviour. The theoretical manifestation finally changes into actual buying behaviour when the consumer actually takes action and buys the brand, fulfilling the last element of the AIDA model that is action.
Ankit Srivastava Profile
First the sales person show something Attractive in the product, then you show your Interest in the product, then he create a Desire in you for the product and in the last he take the Action for selling the product.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
AIDA is standing for
A - Awareness
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action

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