It is easier for an individual to own shares now than it has ever been. Gone are the days of having to pay a stockbroker who will then charge for buying and selling stocks as well as adding on a hefty commission. There are a number of websites that allow you to buy shares in markets all over the world, from small business to multimillion dollar companies, and all for a small trading fee to cover their expenses when you execute a trade.
Because of the freedom to trade there is more interest than ever before in the price of stocks and shares amongst the general public and not just those involved in trading for a living. Many 24 hour news channels will feature a section dedicated to business, often the price of some of the biggest companies will be listed or the biggest market movers of that day. Some channels will even have a constant ticker rolling at the bottom of the screen, containing the prices of hundreds of share prices, the companies will usually be represented by a three letter abbreviation so it is worth finding out the full name of the companies you own shares in and their code.
The most traditional way of finding stock and share prices is by looking in the business pages of a daily paper. Usually positioned towards the back, here you will find thousands of companies listed and their current price, usually with the year high and year low. Many of the bigger papers will offer a separate business supplement. You can always check online for the most up to date share prices on a number of news sites. It is worth remembering that share prices are often listed by the various stock markets on which they are traded, for example the Nasdaq 100 or the FTSE 100.
Because of the freedom to trade there is more interest than ever before in the price of stocks and shares amongst the general public and not just those involved in trading for a living. Many 24 hour news channels will feature a section dedicated to business, often the price of some of the biggest companies will be listed or the biggest market movers of that day. Some channels will even have a constant ticker rolling at the bottom of the screen, containing the prices of hundreds of share prices, the companies will usually be represented by a three letter abbreviation so it is worth finding out the full name of the companies you own shares in and their code.
The most traditional way of finding stock and share prices is by looking in the business pages of a daily paper. Usually positioned towards the back, here you will find thousands of companies listed and their current price, usually with the year high and year low. Many of the bigger papers will offer a separate business supplement. You can always check online for the most up to date share prices on a number of news sites. It is worth remembering that share prices are often listed by the various stock markets on which they are traded, for example the Nasdaq 100 or the FTSE 100.