You can only collect unemployment compensation from your employer, who is based in the city of Akron in the state of Ohio in the United States of America, if you are eligible to receive unemployment compensation.
The City of Akron determines whether an employee is eligible to receive unemployment compensation only if it has followed a procedure which consists of three steps. The first step is to process the information requests which have been sent to it by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services. Then it represents or co-ordinates its representation at hearings before the Board of Review. The third and final step involves the systematic maintenance of claims records.
These three steps take place after the employee who has been terminated has filed for unemployment compensation at the job services office in Akron, Ohio.
The City of Akron determines whether an employee is eligible to receive unemployment compensation only if it has followed a procedure which consists of three steps. The first step is to process the information requests which have been sent to it by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services. Then it represents or co-ordinates its representation at hearings before the Board of Review. The third and final step involves the systematic maintenance of claims records.
These three steps take place after the employee who has been terminated has filed for unemployment compensation at the job services office in Akron, Ohio.