
I Will Make 7.50 Per Hour, 20 Hours Per Week, Will I Be Exempt From Taxes?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This really depends on how you are paid, so the answer can be yes and no.

If you are going to be paid on a weekly or monthly basis, taxes (all federal and state) will be deducted from your paycheck; however, if you are going to be paid on a semimonthly basis (that is - twice a month), your gross amount, which will be roughly $300-350 per pay period - depending on how the month falls - is not high enough to be subject to federal taxes. This only applies to federal, as you will still be subject to medicare, social security, and state taxes on each paycheck.

Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered still have to pay federal and state taxes. To just buy a pack of cigarettes you have to pay taxes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I will make 7.50 per hour 35 hours per week how much would I get back from unemployment

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