According to me, SEO is only a part of any business promoting strategy. It helps to promote your business. It makes your business accessible for people, however it cannot provide you sales or money. When a visitor comes to you by SEO, you have satisfied him about your business and products and this can be done through your sales persons. There is a big team and effort behind a successful business. Still consider advertising within the press, radio, using business cards, brochures, networking and more. Don't think about only one part of any business promoting campaign.
SEO or Online Marketing? SEO alone I don't think so, that's basically technical stuff if I'm not mistaken.
SEO may be just a piece of a puzzle in a business success, but a business without SEO nowadays, is like a bird in a cage, with limited space and missing the opportunities outside its cage. SEO is a very important element of a business marketing strategy and a business without a very good marketing practice is far from success.
I Think That Web 2.0 submission and link wheel is most important in seo 2016 if you do properly you will success in online marking and business