How to book matrimonial classified ads in Daily Thanthi newspaper? Is there any website to book matrimonial classified ads in Daily thanthi? Please help me.


1 Answers

Tim Cook Profile
Tim Cook answered

There is a special page online to book classified ads with the Daily Thanthi newspaper.

The service reaches 15 of India's major cities and four lines of text costs 750 Rupees in most places. Enhancements can be made to text ads to make them appear more prominent.

An ad in colour and including a picture will cost more, depending on the size of the ad.

You Can Create Your Own Ad Online

If you go through the process of booking a Daily Thanthi marriage ad online, you can put your own ad together and check how it looks before you pay for the ad to be published.

A substantial discount is also offered if you choose to book an ad in all 15 regional editions of the Daily Thanthi. Find out more here.

The Daily Thanthi often covers stories related to marriage, as we see here:

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